Friday, May 15, 2015

Most Frequently Used Sanskrit Verbs


Learning a new language can be challenging, but using the right tools can make the process more manageable and enjoyable. One of the most effective tools for language learners is a frequency list, which helps you focus on the most commonly used words first, allowing for faster and more practical vocabulary acquisition.

What's This?

This list features the most frequently used Sanskrit verbs, arranged roughly by their frequency of use, with the most common verbs appearing first and the less common ones following.

Why Use Frequency Lists?

Frequency lists are essential for language learners because they help prioritize vocabulary acquisition. By focusing on the most commonly used words, learners can quickly build a functional vocabulary, which significantly enhances their ability to understand and communicate in the target language. This method ensures efficient and effective learning, making it easier to grasp and retain new words.

This list was taken directly from the book below, which I highly recommend. To view the full list, check the book.

List of Words

In the sections with example sentences, the English translations are provided separately. This allows you to attempt translating the sentence yourself before checking the correct meaning.

1. अस्तिhave, exist — The verb 'अस्ति' is used to indicate possession or existence of something. It is commonly used to express the idea of 'having' or 'being' in various contexts.
1. मम पार्श्वे अस्ति। 2. मम विचारः अस्ति। 3. मया कर्तव्यम् अस्ति। 4. भवतः मम वचनम् अस्ति। 5. भवता कर्तव्यम् अस्ति। 6. अमाण्डा क्लार्क इत्यस्याः अस्तित्वं नास्ति । 7. अस्ति एव । 8. भवतः अस्ति­त्वमपि नास्ति। 9. ईश्वरः अस्ति। 10. सः भवतः अस्ति­त्वम् अपि न जानाति।1. I have. 2. I have an idea. 3. I have to. 4. You have my word. 5. You have to. 6. Amanda Clarke no longer exists. 7. It does exist. 8. You don't even exist. 9. God exists. 10. He doesn't even know you exist.
2. जानातुknow — 'जानातु' is used to express knowledge or awareness of something. It is commonly used to indicate understanding or recognition of a fact or information. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
1. अहं जानामि। 2. आम्, अहं जानामि। 3. अहं तत् जानामि। 4. अहं न जानामि यत् भवन्तः किं वदन्ति। 5. अहं तत् जानामि स्म।1. I know. 2. Yeah, I know. 3. I know that. 4. I don't know what you're talking about. 5. I knew it.
3. शक्नोतिcan — The verb 'शक्नोति' is used to express the ability or possibility of doing something. It indicates that the subject has the capability to perform the action mentioned in the sentence.
1. अहं भवतः साहाय्यं कर्तुं शक्नोमि वा ? 2. किं त्वं मां श्रोतुं शक्नोषि ? 3. अहं भवतः कृते किं कर्तुं शक्नोमि ? 4. अहं किं कर्तुं शक्नोमि ? 5. अहं प्रवि­ष्टुं शक्नोमि वा ?1. Can I help you? 2. Can you hear me? 3. What can I do for you? 4. What can I do? 5. Can I come in?
4. प्राप्नोतुget, receive — The verb 'प्राप­्नोतु' is used to indicate the action of getting or receiving something. It is commonly used in various contexts to express the act of obtaining or acquiring something.
1. अहं न प्राप­्नोमि। 2. एतत् ऋजुं प्राप­्नोमि। 3. अहो, प्राप­्नोमि। 4. अहं तत् प्राप­्नोमि। 5. किं प्राप­्नोषि ? 6. किं त्वं प्राप­्नोषि ? 7. सः नित्यं अन्नराशनं प्राप­्नोति स्म । 8. सः साप्त­ाहिकं भत्तां प्राप­्नोति स्म । 9. सः मुखमैथुनं प्राप्य आनन्दं प्राप­्नोति स्म । 10. सः मासिकं पेन्शनं प्राप­्नोति।1. I don't get it. 2. Let me get this straight. 3. Oh, I get it. 4. I get that. 5. What are you getting at? 6. Are you receiving? 7. He received a daily food ration. 8. He received a weekly allowance. 9. He enjoyed receiving blowjobs. 10. He receives a monthly pension.
5. गच्छgo — 'गच्छ' is used to indicate movement from one place to another. It is commonly used to express the action of going or traveling.
1. गच्छामः। 2. कुत्र गच्छसि ? 3. गच्छतु। 4. तत्र गच्छसि। 5. अत्र गच्छामः।1. Let's go. 2. Where are you going? 3. Go on. 4. There you go. 5. Here we go.
6. आगच्छcome — The verb 'आगच्छ' is used to indicate the action of coming towards a specific location or person. It is commonly used to express movement towards a particular destination or to join someone at a specific place.
1. अत्र आगच्छतु। 2. अहो, आगच्छतु। 3. आगच्छतु अन्तः। 4. आगच्छतु, गच्छामः। 5. आगच्छतु मनुष्य।1. Come here. 2. Oh, come on. 3. Come on in. 4. Come on, let's go. 5. Come on, man.
7. भविष्यतिwill, shall — This verb is used to indicate future tense in a sentence, expressing actions or events that will happen at a later time. It conveys a sense of certainty or inevitability about the future action or event.
1. सर्वं सुष्ठु भविष्यति। 2. भविष्यति । 3. सर्वं सम्यक् भविष्यति। 4. तत् सर्वं भविष्यति। 5. अहं भविष्­यामि। 6. तथा भविष्यति ! 7. भवतः च तत् भविष्यति। 8. भवतः तत् भविष्यति। 9. तदा भवतः तत् भविष्यति। 10. किं भविष्यति ?1. Everything will be fine. 2. It will. 3. Everything will be all right. 4. That will be all. 5. I will be. 6. It shall be so! 7. And you shall have it. 8. You shall have it. 9. Then you shall have it. 10. What shall it be?
8. चिन्तयतुthink, consider — The verb 'चिन्­तयतु' is used to express the action of thinking, consid­ering, or reflecting upon something. It is commonly used to convey the mental process of contemplating or pondering a particular subject or idea.
1. चिन्तयतु। 2. किं चिन्तयसि ? 3. किं चिन्तयसि स्म ? 4. किं न चिन्तयसि ? 5. अहं तस्य विषये चिन्तयि­ष्यामि। 6. ते गमनस्य सम्भा­वनाम् अचिन्तयन् ।1. Think about it. 2. What are you thinking? 3. What were you thinking? 4. Don't you think? 5. I'll think about it. 6. They considered the prospect of moving.
9. पश्यतुsee, behold — 'पश्यतु' is used to indicate the act of seeing or beholding something. It is a verb that conveys the action of visually perce­iving an object or an event.
1. अहं पश्यामि। 2. तत् पश्चात् अहं त्वां पश्यामि। 3. पश्यामि । 4. पश्यामः। 5. वयं पश्यामः। 6. अजगरं पश्यतु ! 7. नूतनावि­ष्कारस्य शक्तिं पश्यतु। 8. मेटाट­्रॉन् पश्यन्तु ! 9. पश्य गरुडं भव्यं गगनेन उड्डीय­मानम्। 10. विश्वस्य आश्चर्यं पश्यतु।1. I see. 2. See you later. 3. Let me see. 4. Let's see. 5. We'll see. 6. Behold the dragon! 7. Behold the power of the new invention. 8. Behold the Metatron! 9. Behold the majestic eagle soaring through the sky. 10. Behold the wonders of the universe.
10. गृह्णातुtake — The verb 'गृह्­णातु' is used to indicate the action of taking something. It is commonly used in various contexts to express the act of physically or metaphorically taking possession of an object or idea.
1. अहं गृह्णामि। 2. अहम् इतः गृह्णामि। 3. अहं मम अवसरान् गृह्णामि। 4. किम् एतावत­्कालं गृह्णाति ? 5. अहं पुनः गृह्णामि।1. I'll take it. 2. I'll take it from here. 3. I'll take my chances. 4. What's taking so long? 5. I take it back.
11. कृपयाplease — 'कृपया' is used to politely request or ask for something. It is commonly used to show respect and courtesy when making a request or expressing a desire for something.
1. अहो, कृपया। 2. आम्, कृपया। 3. न, कृपया। 4. एवं कृपया । 5. कृपया, कृपया।1. Oh, please. 2. Yes, please. 3. No, please. 4. This way, please. 5. Please, please.
12. देहिgive — The verb 'देहि' is used to indicate the action of giving something to someone. It is commonly used in requests, commands, or instructions to ask for something to be given or provided.
1. एतत् मम कृते देहि। 2. देहि मे । 3. तव बाहुं मे देहि। 4. अन्यं देहि मे । 5. तत् वस्तु मम कृते देहि।1. Give me this. 2. Give me. 3. Give me your arm. 4. Give me another one. 5. Give me that thing.
13. अर्थःmean — The verb 'अर्थः' is used to convey the idea of meaning or signifying something. It is used to express the intended message or significance behind a word, phrase, or action.
1. तस्य किम् अर्थः ? 2. तस्य किं अर्थः भवितव्यः ? 3. तस्य अर्थः किम् ? 4. तस्य किं अर्थः कल्प्यते ? 5. किं नरकं तस्य अर्थः ?1. What does that mean? 2. What's that supposed to mean? 3. What's that mean? 4. What is that supposed to mean? 5. What the hell does that mean?
14. धन्यवादःthank — 'Dhanya­vaadah' is used to express gratitude or thanks towards someone for their help, kindness, or generosity. It is a way to show appreciation and acknowledge the actions or words of others.
1. धन्यवाद। 2. धन्यवादः महोदय। 3. भूरिशः धन्यव­ादाः। 4. अहो, धन्यवादः। 5. ईश्वरस्य धन्यवादः।1. Thank you. 2. Thank you, sir. 3. Thank you so much. 4. Oh, thank you. 5. Thank God.
15. अन्वेषयfind — The verb 'अन्वेषय' is used to express the action of searching or seeking to find something. It conveys the idea of actively looking for or investigating something in order to discover its location or existence.
1. तं अन्वेष­्यताम्। 2. किमपि अन्वे­ष्टुम् ? 3. तां अन्वेष­्यताम्। 4. तान् अन्वेष­्यताम्। 5. भवन्तः जानन्ति यत् मां कुत्र अन्वेष्­टव्यम्।1. Find him. 2. Find anything? 3. Find her. 4. Find them. 5. You know where to find me.
16. विरमतुstop — 'विरमतु' is used to indicate the action of stopping or ceasing. It is commonly used to convey the idea of putting an end to something or halting a particular activity or process.
1. कृपया तत् वक्तुं विरमतु।1. Please stop saying that.
17. स्थापयतुput — The verb 'स्था­पयतु' is used to indicate the action of placing or putting something in a specific location or position. It is commonly used to describe the act of setting or establishing something in a particular place.
1. अधः स्थापयतु। 2. बन्दुकं अधः स्थापयतु। 3. एतत् स्थापयतु। 4. मां अधः स्थापयतु ! 5. तत् अधः स्थापयतु।1. Put it down. 2. Put the gun down. 3. Put this on. 4. Put me down! 5. Put that down.
18. स्थापयkeep — The verb 'स्थापय' is used to indicate the action of keeping something in a particular place or position. It is commonly used to express the act of maintaining or preserving something in a specific state.
1. स्थापयतु। 2. नेत्राणि उद्घा­टितानि स्थाप­यन्तु। 3. भवन्तं प्रतीक­्षमाणं स्थाप­यितुं क्षम्­यतां। 4. मां पोस्ट् कृत्वा स्थाप­यन्तु। 5. अधः स्थापयतु।1. Keep it. 2. Keep your eyes open. 3. Sorry to keep you waiting. 4. Keep me posted. 5. Keep it down.
19. विश्वसितुbelieve — 'विश्­वसितु' is used to express belief or trust in something or someone. It conveys the idea of having faith or confidence in a particular person, idea, or concept.
1. त्वं मां न विश्वसिसि ? 2. त्वं एतत् न विश्वस­िष्यसि। 3. अहं तत् विश्व­सिमि। 4. भवन्तः मां न विश्वसि­ष्यन्ति यदि अहं भवन्तं वदामि। 5. अहं न विश्वसिमि यत् वयं मिलित­वन्तः।1. You don't believe me? 2. You're not gonna believe this. 3. I believe it. 4. You wouldn't believe me if I told you. 5. I don't believe we've met.
20. स्यात्‌may — The verb 'स्यात्‌' is used to express a wish, desire, or possibility. It is often translated as 'may' in English and is used to indicate a hope or a potential outcome in a sentence.
1. भवन्तः सम्यक् वदन्ति स्यात्। 2. तत् स्यात्। 3. तत् सत्यं स्यात्। 4. सः सम्यक् स्यात्। 5. तत् आवश्यकं न स्यात्।1. You may be right. 2. That may be. 3. That may be true. 4. He may be right. 5. That may not be necessary.
21. शृणोतुlisten, hear — The verb 'शृणोतु' is used to convey the action of listening or hearing. It is commonly used in contexts where one is being instr­ucted, informed, or simply paying attention to sounds or voices.
1. अहं शृणोमि। 2. शृणोषि वा ? 3. किं त्वं मां शृणोषि ? 4. त्वं न शृणोषि। 5. त्वं मां न शृणोषि। 6. किं त्वं मां शृणोषि ? 7. तत् शृणोषि ? 8. अहं त्वां शृणोमि। 9. अहं किमपि न शृणोमि। 10. अतः शृणोमि।1. I'm listening. 2. Are you listening? 3. Are you listening to me? 4. You're not listening. 5. You're not listening to me. 6. Do you hear me? 7. You hear that? 8. I hear you. 9. I don't hear anything. 10. So I hear.
22. स्मरतुremember — The verb 'स्मरतु' is used to express the action of remembering something or someone. It is commonly used in various contexts to indicate the act of recalling inform­ation, memories, or past events.
1. अहं न स्मरामि। 2. अहं स्मरामि। 3. मां स्मर्यते वा ? 4. किं भवन्तः स्मर्­यन्ते ? 5. अहं स्मर्तुं न शक्नोमि।1. I don't remember. 2. I remember. 3. Remember me? 4. Do you remember? 5. I can't remember.
23. पृच्छतुask — The verb 'पृच्छतु' is used to inquire or request information from someone. It is commonly used to ask questions or seek clarification on a particular topic or subject.
1. किमर्थं पृच्छसि ? 2. किं भवन्तं किमपि पृच्छामि ? 3. अहं भवन्तं किमपि पृच्छामि। 4. अहं भवन्तं प्रश्नं पृच्छितुं शक्नोमि वा ? 5. मा पृच्छतु।1. Why do you ask? 2. Can I ask you something? 3. Let me ask you something. 4. Can I ask you a question? 5. Don't ask.
24. प्रयततुtry — 'प्रयततु' is used to convey the idea of making an effort or attempting to do something. It signifies the act of trying or striving towards a goal, without guarantee of success.
1. अहं प्रयतमा­नोऽस्मि। 2. अहं प्रयति­तवान्। 3. प्रयतस्व। 4. मां प्रयतस्व। 5. किं वक्तुं प्रयतसे ?1. I'm trying. 2. I tried. 3. Try it. 4. Try me. 5. What are you trying to say?
25. निवसतिlive — The verb 'निवसति' is used to indicate the action of living or residing in a particular place. It is commonly used to describe where someone lives or stays.
1. अहम् अत्र निवसति। 2. त्वम् अत्र निवससि ? 3. भवान् अत्र निवसति वा ? 4. सः कुत्र निवसति ? 5. सा कुत्र निवसति ?1. I live here. 2. You live here? 3. Do you live here? 4. Where does he live? 5. Where does she live?
26. खादतुeat — 'खादतु' is used to indicate the action of consuming food or drink. It is a verb that describes the act of eating in the present tense.
1. खादतु । 2. खादतु। 3. किमपि खादतु। 4. एतत् खादतु। 5. मां खादतु।1. Eat it. 2. Eat up. 3. Eat something. 4. Eat this. 5. Eat me.
27. विस्मृतforget — The verb 'विस्मृत' is used to express the action of forgetting something. It is commonly used in conversations and written texts to indicate the act of not remembering or recalling information or memories.
1. तत् विस्मरतु। 2. अहं विस्मृ­तवान्। 3. अहं प्रायः विस्मृ­तवान्। 4. मा विस्मरतु। 5. कथं विस्म­र्तुं शक्नोमि स्म ?1. Forget it. 2. I forgot. 3. I almost forgot. 4. Don't forget. 5. How could I forget?
28. भवतिhappen, befall — The verb 'भवति' is used to indicate the occurrence of an event or situation. It is commonly used to describe things that happen or befall someone or something.
1. किं भवति ? 2. भवति । 3. इदानीं किं भवति ? 4. मम किं भवति ? 5. एतत् भवति इति मम विश्वासः न भवति।1. What's happening? 2. It happens. 3. What happens now? 4. What's happening to me? 5. I can't believe this is happening.
29. पठतुread — 'पठतु' is used to indicate the action of reading. It is commonly used to express the act of reading written text or literature.
1. मम कृते पठतु। 2. तत् पठतु। 3. मम अधरं पठतु। 4. गच्छ, पठतु। 5. मम मनः पठतु।1. Read it to me. 2. Read that. 3. Read my lips. 4. Go on, read it. 5. Read my mind.
30. उत्तिष्ठतेstand — 'उत्ति­ष्ठते' is used to indicate the action of standing up or rising from a sitting or lying position. It is a verb that conveys the act of being in a vertical position on one's feet.
1. ऋजुतया उत्ति­ष्ठतु। 2. उत्तिष्ठ, कृपया। 3. आगच्छतु, उत्ति­ष्ठतु। 4. तं उत्ति­ष्ठतु। 5. भवन्तः उत्तिष­्ठितुं शक्नु­वन्ति वा ?1. Stand up straight. 2. Stand up, please. 3. Come on, stand up. 4. Stand him up. 5. Can you stand up?
31. वदतिब्रूspeak — 'वदति­ब्रू' is used to convey the action of speaking or expressing thoughts verbally. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts to indicate the act of communicating through speech.
1. वदतिब्रू !1. Speak !
32. क्रीडातुbuy — The verb 'क्री­डातु' is used to indicate the action of purchasing or buying something. It is commonly used in conversations or written texts to express the act of acquiring goods or services in exchange for money.
1. सः रैफल्-­क­्रीडायाः टिकटं क्रीतवन् ।1. He bought a ticket for the raffle.
33. प्रेषयतुsend — The verb 'प्रे­षयतु' is used to convey the action of sending someone or something to a particular destination. It is commonly used in various contexts to indicate the act of dispatching or directing someone or something to a specific place.
1. तं प्रेषयतु। 2. तां प्रेषयतु। 3. तान् अन्तः प्रेष­यन्तु। 4. तं उपरि प्रेषयतु। 5. तं गृहं प्रेषयतु।1. Send him in. 2. Send her in. 3. Send them in. 4. Send him up. 5. Send him home.
34. जातःbecome — 'जातः' is used to indicate a change in state or transformation of something or someone. It signifies the process of becoming or evolving into a different form or condition.
1. त्वं किं जातः ? 2. अहं किं जातः ? 3. पुनर्­वसनस्य अनन्तरं सः धीरो जातः । 4. पश्य त्वं किं जातः। 5. त्वं मम जीवनस्य केन्द्रं जातः।1. What have you become? 2. What have I become? 3. He became sober after rehab. 4. Look at what you've become. 5. You've become the center of my life.
35. भातिseem — The verb 'भाति' is used to express the idea of something appearing or seeming a certain way. It is commonly used to convey subjective perceptions or opinions about a person, object, or situation.
1. आम्, एवम् इव भाति। 2. साधु, सम्भा­व्यते इति भाति। 3. आम्, इव भाति।1. Yeah, so it seems. 2. Well, it seems likely. 3. Yeah, seems like it.
36. लिखतुwrite — The verb 'लिखतु' is used to indicate the action of writing. It is used to express the act of putting thoughts, ideas, or information onto a surface using a pen, pencil, or other writing instrument.
1. किमपि लिखतु। 2. मम कृते लिखतु। 3. मां लिखतु। 4. केवलं लिखतु। 5. तत् उपरि लिखतु।1. Write something. 2. Write to me. 3. Write me. 4. Just write it down. 5. Write it up.
37. आकर्षतिpull — The verb 'आकर्षति' is used to indicate the action of pulling or attracting something towards oneself. It is commonly used to describe physical pulling as well as metaphorical attraction or influence.
1. उपरि आकर्षयतु। 2. आत्मानं एकत्र आकर्षयतु। 3. उपरि आकर्षयतु ! 4. शूलं आकर्ष­यन्तु। 5. एकं कुर्सीम् उपरि आकर्ष­यन्तु।1. Pull over. 2. Pull yourself together. 3. Pull up! 4. Pull the trigger. 5. Pull up a chair.
38. व्याख्यातिexplain — The verb 'व्याख­्याति' is used to convey the action of explaining or clarifying something in detail. It is commonly used to describe the process of breaking down complex ideas or concepts into simpler terms for better understanding.
1. अहं पश्चात् व्याख्य­ास्यामि। 2. अहं व्याख­्यातुं शक्नोमि। 3. अहं तत् व्याख­्यातुं न शक्नोमि। 4. अहं व्याख्य­ास्यामि। 5. व्याख­्यातुं कठिनम् अस्ति।1. I'll explain later. 2. I can explain. 3. I can't explain it. 4. I'll explain. 5. It's hard to explain.
39. क्षेपणं करोतुthrow — The verb 'क्षेपणं करोतु' is used to indicate the action of throwing or tossing something. It is commonly used to describe the physical act of prope­lling an object through the air with force.
1. सुन्दरं क्षेपणं। 2. क्षेपणं त्यजतु ! 3. शॉर्ट­स्टॉप् द्रुतं क्षेपणं कृतवान् ।1. Nice throw. 2. Stop throwing! 3. The shortstop made a quick throw.
40. विवाहं करोतिmarry — The verb 'विवाहं करोति' is used to indicate the action of getting married. It is commonly used to describe the act of entering into a marital union with another person.
1. अहं विवाहं करोमि। 2. वयं विवाहं कुर्मः। 3. अहं भवतः विवाहं कर्तुम् इच्छामि। 4. त्वं विवाहं करोषि। 5. अहं इच्छामि यत् त्वं मां विवाहं करोषि।1. I'm getting married. 2. We're getting married. 3. I want to marry you. 4. You're getting married. 5. I want you to marry me.
41. गायतिsing — 'गायति' is used to indicate the action of singing. It is commonly used to describe the act of vocalizing musical sounds with the voice.
1. किं त्वं गायति ? 2. किं गायति ? 3. सः गायति। 4. सः गायति वा ? 5. सः किकीगीतेन सह गायति स्म ।1. Do you sing? 2. What do you sing? 3. He sings. 4. Does he sing? 5. He sang along to the kiki song.
42. अनुभवतुenjoy — 'अनुभवतु' is used to express the act of experiencing pleasure or joy from something. It conveys the idea of deriving enjoyment or satisfaction from a particular activity, object, or situation.
1. अनुभवानां कथने सा आनन्दं लभते।1. She enjoys narrating experiences.
43. गोपयतुhide — 'गोपयतु' is used to convey the action of concealing or keeping something out of sight. It is often used to describe the act of hiding or protecting something from being seen or discovered.
1. त्वं किमपि गोपयसि। 2. सः किमपि गोपयति। 3. अहं किमपि न गोपयामि। 4. तत् गोपयतु। 5. किं त्वं किमपि गोपयसि ?1. You're hiding something. 2. He's hiding something. 3. I'm not hiding anything. 4. Hide it. 5. Are you hiding something?
44. साहसं कुर्वन्तिdare — This verb is used to express the act of daring or having courage to do something challenging or risky. It conveys a sense of bravery and willingness to take on difficult tasks or face obstacles.
1. ते साहसं न कुर्वन्ति स्म। 2. कथं साहसं कुर्वन्ति ? 3. ते न साहसं कुर्व­न्ति। 4. ते न साहसं कुर्वन्ति स्म।1. They wouldn't dare. 2. How dare they? 3. They don't dare. 4. They would not dare.
45. वहतिcarry — The verb 'वहति' is used to indicate the action of carrying or transporting something from one place to another. It is commonly used to describe the act of moving objects or people from one location to another.
1. गतिः वहति स्म । 2. सा मम बालकं वहति। 3. सः किं वहति ? 4. सः एतत् वहति स्म । 5. अहं बन्दुकं वहति।1. Motion carried. 2. She's carrying my child. 3. What's he carrying? 4. He was carrying this. 5. I carry a gun.
46. स्वीकरोतुaccept — The verb 'स्वी­करोतु' is used to convey the action of accepting or acknowledging something. It is commonly used in various contexts to express the act of receiving or agreeing to something.
1. सः स्वीक­रोति। 2. किमर्थं न केवलं स्वीकरोति ?1. He accepts. 2. Why don't you just accept it?
47. ठोकतिknock — The verb 'ठोकति' is used to describe the action of knocking on a surface or door. It signifies the act of striking a surface with force using a closed hand or object in order to produce a sound.
1. सः कः मम द्वारं ठोकति ? 2. अवसरः ठोकति। 3. कः ठोकति ? 4. कश्चन ठोकति।1. Who's that knocking at my door? 2. Opportunity knocks. 3. Who's knocking? 4. Someone's knocking.
48. चिनोतुchoose — 'चिनोतु' is used to express the action of selecting or picking something from a group of options. It signifies making a decision or choosing one option over others based on preference or necessity.
1. त्वं चिनोषि। 2. अहं त्वां चिनोमि। 3. किमर्थं मां चिनोषि ? 4. सः त्वां चिनोति स्म। 5. सा मां चिनोति स्म।1. You choose. 2. I choose you. 3. Why did you choose me? 4. He chose you. 5. She chose me.
49. अनुमन्यताम्‌allow — The verb 'अनुमन­्यताम्' is used to express permission or consent for someone to do something. It indicates allowing or granting approval for a specific action or behavior to take place.
1. अनुमन्­यताम्। 2. मम परिचयं कर्तुं अनुमन्­यताम्। 3. व्याख्­यातुम् अनुमन्­यताम्। 4. कृपया, अनुमन्­यताम्। 5. प्रदर्­शयितुं अनुमन्­यताम्।1. Allow me. 2. Allow me to introduce myself. 3. Allow me to explain. 4. Please, allow me. 5. Allow me to demonstrate.
50. चोरयतिsteal — The verb 'चोरयति' is used to describe the action of stealing. It is used to indicate the act of taking something unlawfully without permission or consent from the rightful owner.
1. किं चोरयन् ? 2. किं चोरयितुं ? 3. वयं किमपि न चोरयामः। 4. किं भवन्तः न्यूनात­िन्यूनं जानन्ति यत् सः किमर्थं चोरयति? 5. अहं भवतः क्षतिं कर्तुं चोरयामि।1. Stealing what? 2. To steal what? 3. We're not stealing anything. 4. Do you at least know why he steals? 5. I steal to hurt you.

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