Friday, May 15, 2015

Most Frequently Used Greek Verbs


Learning a new language can be challenging, but using the right tools can make the process more manageable and enjoyable. One of the most effective tools for language learners is a frequency list, which helps you focus on the most commonly used words first, allowing for faster and more practical vocabulary acquisition.

What's This?

This list features the most frequently used Greek verbs, arranged roughly by their frequency of use, with the most common verbs appearing first and the less common ones following.

Why Use Frequency Lists?

Frequency lists are essential for language learners because they help prioritize vocabulary acquisition. By focusing on the most commonly used words, learners can quickly build a functional vocabulary, which significantly enhances their ability to understand and communicate in the target language. This method ensures efficient and effective learning, making it easier to grasp and retain new words.

This list was taken directly from the book below, which I highly recommend. To view the full list, check the book.

List of Words

In the sections with example sentences, the English translations are provided separately. This allows you to attempt translating the sentence yourself before checking the correct meaning.

1. έχωhave — The verb 'έχω' is used to indicate possession or ownership of somet­hing, as well as to express various states or conditions. It can also be used to form compound tenses.
1. Τι έχω κάνει? 2. Ναι έχω. 3. Δεν έχω ιδέα για τι πράγμα μιλάς. 4. Δεν το έχω. 5. Δεν έχω χρόνο για αυτό.1. What have I done? 2. Yes, I have. 3. I have no idea what you're talking about. 4. I don't have it. 5. I don't have time for this.
2. κάνωdo, make — The verb 'κάνω' is used to indicate the action of doing or making something. It is a versatile verb that can be used in a wide range of contexts to express various actions or activities.
1. Θα το κάνω. 2. Τι μπορώ να κάνω για σένα? 3. Τι θέλεις να κάνω? 4. Δεν μπορώ να το κάνω αυτό. 5. Φυσικά και το κάνω. 6. Έχω να κάνω μια εξομολόγηση. 7. Θα σου κάνω μια συμφωνία. 8. Θα το κάνω να αξίζει τον κόπο σου. 9. Θα κάνω μερικές κλήσεις. 10. Έχω να κάνω μια ανακοίνωση.1. I'll do it. 2. What can I do for you? 3. What do you want me to do? 4. I can't do that. 5. Of course I do. 6. I have a confession to make. 7. I'll make you a deal. 8. I'll make it worth your while. 9. I'll make some calls. 10. I have an announcement to make.
3. είναιbe — The verb 'είναι' is used to indicate exist­ence, identity, or a state of being. It is commonly used to connect subjects with adjectives or nouns, and to form the present tense of sentences.
1. Τι είναι αυτό? 2. Πού είναι? 3. Τι ΕΙΝΑΙ ΑΥΤΟ? 4. Ποιος είναι? 5. Που είναι αυτή?1. What is it? 2. Where is he? 3. What is that? 4. Who is it? 5. Where is she?
4. ξέρωknow — 'Ξέρω' is used to express knowledge or awareness of something. It is commonly used to indicate underst­anding, famili­arity, or recognition of a person, place, thing, or concept. It can also be used to convey certainty or confidence in a statement.
1. Ξέρω. 2. Ναι, ξέρω. 3. Το ξέρω αυτό. 4. Δεν ξέρω για τι πράγμα μιλάς. 5. Δεν ξέρω.1. I know. 2. Yeah, I know. 3. I know that. 4. I don't know what you're talking about. 5. I do not know.
5. μπορώcan — This verb is used to express ability, possib­ility, or permission to do something. It is often followed by an infin­itive verb to indicate what the subject is able to do.
1. Μπορώ να σε βοηθήσω? 2. Τι μπορώ να κάνω για σένα? 3. Τι μπορώ να κάνω? 4. Τι μπορώ να πω? 5. Μπορώ να μπω?1. Can I help you? 2. What can I do for you? 3. What can I do? 4. What can I say? 5. Can I come in?
6. συμπαθώlike — The verb 'συμπαθώ' is used to express a positive feeling or affinity towards something or someone. It conveys a sense of liking or sympathy towards the subject of the sentence.
1. Δεν τον συμπαθώ. 2. Επειδή σας συμπαθώ. 3. Δεν με συμπα­θείς, ε, 4. Δεν με συμπαθεί. 5. Νόμιζα ότι με συμπαθούσες.1. I don't like him. 2. Because I like you. 3. You don't like me, do you? 4. She doesn't like me. 5. I thought you liked me.
7. πάωgo — 'πάω' is used to indicate movement from one place to another. It is commonly used to express actions such as going, trave­ling, or walking. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts.
1. Θα πάω. 2. Πάω. 3. Πάω σπίτι. 4. Θα πάω μαζί σου. 5. Θέλω να πάω σπίτι.1. I'll go. 2. I'm going. 3. I'm going home. 4. I'll go with you. 5. I want to go home.
8. έρχομαιcome — This verb is used to indicate movement towards a specific location or person. It can also be used to express the idea of arrival or approaching a certain point in time.
1. Ερχομαι. 2. Έρχομαι μαζί σου. 3. Ερχομαι αμέσως. 4. Ερχομαι σπίτι. 5. Ναι, έρχομαι.1. I'm coming. 2. I'm coming with you. 3. Coming right up. 4. I'm coming home. 5. Yes, I'm coming.
9. θέλωwant — This verb is used to express a desire or preference for something. It is commonly used to indicate what someone wants or wishes for in a particular situation.
1. Δεν θέλω. 2. Θέλω να πάω σπίτι. 3. Δεν το θέλω. 4. Δεν θέλω να μιλήσω γι 'αυτό. 5. Θέλω να σου δείξω κάτι.1. I don't want to. 2. I want to go home. 3. I don't want it. 4. I don't want to talk about it. 5. I want to show you something.
10. νομίζωthink — 'Νομίζω' is used to express one's opinion or belief about something. It is commonly used to indicate what someone thinks or believes to be true, without necessarily providing evidence or certainty.
1. Νομίζεις? 2. Ετσι νομίζεις? 3. Όχι, δεν νομίζω. 4. Τι νομίζεις ότι κάνεις? 5. Πού νομίζεις ότι πας,1. You think? 2. You think so? 3. No, I don't think so. 4. What do you think you're doing? 5. Where do you think you're going?
11. βλέπωsee, behold — The verb 'βλέπω' is used to indicate the action of perce­iving visual stimuli with the eyes. It can also be used metaphorically to mean understanding or realizing something.
1. Βλέπω. 2. Χαίρομαι που σε βλέπω. 3. Το βλέπω. 4. Δεν βλέπω τίποτα. 5. Χαίρομαι που σε ξαναβλέπω.1. I see. 2. Good to see you. 3. I can see that. 4. I don't see anything. 5. Good to see you again.
12. αφήνωlet — The verb 'αφήνω' is used to indicate permi­ssion, allowing someone to do somet­hing, or leaving something behind. It can also be used to express releasing or letting go of something.
1. Δεν το αφήνω. 2. Δεν σε αφήνω να φύγεις.1. I'm not letting go. 2. I'm not letting you go.
13. παίρνωtake — 'Παίρνω' is used to indicate the action of taking somet­hing, whether it be physical objects, abstract concepts, or actions. It can also be used to express the idea of receiving or accepting something.
1. Τι παίρνει τόσο καιρό, 2. Μην το παίρνεις προσωπικά. 3. Το παίρνω πίσω. 4. Το παίρνεις. 5. Παίρνει χρόνο.1. What's taking so long? 2. Don't take it personally. 3. I take it back. 4. You take it. 5. It takes time.
14. λένεsay — 'Λένε' is used to indicate the act of speaking or expressing something verbally. It is commonly used to report or convey inform­ation, opinions, or thoughts from one person to another.
1. Τι λένε? 2. Πώς είπες ότι σε λένε, 3. Αυτό λένε. 4. Ετσι λένε. 5. Ξέρεις τι λένε.1. What are they saying? 2. What did you say your name was? 3. That's what they say. 4. So they say. 5. You know what they say.
15. δίνωgive — The verb 'δίνω' is used to indicate the action of giving something to someone else. It is commonly used in various contexts to express the act of transferring possession or control of an object from one person to another.
1. Σου δίνω τον λόγο μου. 2. Δεν δίνω δεκάρα. 3. Σου το δίνω. 4. Σου δίνω έλεος. 5. Σου δίνω μια ευκαιρία.1. I give you my word. 2. I don't give a damn. 3. I'm giving it to you. 4. I give you mercy. 5. I'm giving you a chance.
16. πρέπειshould — 'Πρέπει' is used to express oblig­ation, neces­sity, or propriety. It is often used to indicate what is considered the right or appropriate course of action in a given situation.
1. Πρέπει να πηγαίνω. 2. Πρέπει να πάμε. 3. Πρέπει να πας. 4. Τι πρέπει να κάνουμε? 5. Αυτό πρέπει να το κάνει.1. I should go. 2. We should go. 3. You should go. 4. What should we do? 5. That should do it.
17. σημαίνωmean — This verb is used to indicate the intended or understood significance of somet­hing, conveying a specific message or representing a particular idea or concept.
1. Τι σημαίνει αυτό? 2. Τι σημαίνει? 3. Τι σημαίνει αυτο? 4. Τι σημαίνει, 5. Τι διάολο σημαίνει αυτό,1. What does that mean? 2. What does it mean? 3. What is that supposed to mean? 4. Meaning what? 5. What the hell does that mean?
18. ευχαριστώthank, satisfy — This verb is used to express gratitude or to show appreciation for something that has been done or given. It can also be used to convey satisfaction or contentment with a situation or outcome.
1. Ευχαριστώ. 2. Σας ευχαρ­ιστώ, κύριε. 3. Σε ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ. 4. Ω σας ευχαριστώ. 5. Λοιπον, ευχαριστω. 6. Απόλυτα ευχαριστημένος.1. Thank you. 2. Thank you, sir. 3. Thank you so much. 4. Oh, thank you. 5. Well, thank you. 6. Completely satisfied.
19. να σταματήσειstop — This verb is used to indicate the action of ceasing or halting an activity or movement. It is commonly used to express the idea of putting an end to something or preventing it from continuing.
1. Θα σταματ­ήσεις, 2. Να σταμα­τήσει να κλαίει. 3. Δεν μπορείς να με σταματήσεις. 4. Κάντο να σταμα­τήσει! 5. Θα το σταματ­ήσεις,1. Will you stop? 2. Stop crying. 3. You can't stop me. 4. Make it stop! 5. Will you stop it?
20. περιμένωwait — This verb is used to indicate the action of staying in one place or delaying action until something expected happens. It conveys the idea of patience and anticipation for a specific event or outcome.
1. Περιμ­ένετε ένα δευτερόλεπτο. 2. Τι περιμ­ένεις? 3. Δεν μπορώ να περιμένω. 4. Θα περιμένω. 5. Τι περιμέ­νουμε?1. Wait a second. 2. What are you waiting for? 3. I can't wait. 4. I'll wait. 5. What are we waiting for?
21. βάζωput — This verb is used to indicate the action of placing or positioning something in a specific location or setting. It can also convey the act of inserting or adding something into a particular place or context.
1. Πώς το βάζω αυτό, 2. Που το βάζω αυτό, 3. Λυπάμαι που σε βάζω σε αυτό. 4. Το βάζω εδώ. 5. Που τα βάζω,1. How do I put this? 2. Where do I put this? 3. I'm sorry to put you through this. 4. I put it here. 5. Where do I put them?
22. αισθάνομαιfeel — This verb is used to express emotions or physical sensations. It is commonly used to describe how someone feels emotionally or physically in a given situation. It can also be used to convey a sense of awareness or perception.
1. Αισθά­νομαι υπέροχα. 2. Αισθά­νομαι το ίδιο. 3. Εγώ δεν αισθά­νομαι καλά. 4. Αισθά­νομαι καλύτερα. 5. Αισθά­νομαι ένοχος.1. I feel great. 2. I feel the same way. 3. I'm not feeling well. 4. I'm feeling better. 5. I feel guilty.
23. πιστεύωbelieve — 'πιστεύω' is used to express belief or trust in something or someone. It is commonly used in religious contexts to signify faith in a higher power, but can also be used in everyday language to convey trust or confidence in a person or idea.
1. Δεν το πιστεύω. 2. Δεν σε πιστεύω. 3. Σε πιστεύω. 4. Δεν το πιστεύω αυτό. 5. Δεν με πιστε­ύεις,1. I don't believe it. 2. I don't believe you. 3. I believe you. 4. I don't believe this. 5. You don't believe me?
24. καταλαβαίνωunderstand — This verb is used to express the comprehension or realization of something. It signifies grasping the meaning or significance of a concept, idea, or situation. It implies a deep understanding or insight into a subject matter.
1. Δεν καταλαβαίνω. 2. Καταλαβαίνω. 3. Καταλαβ­αίνεις? 4. Δεν καταλαβαίνεις. 5. Με καταλαβ­αίνεις?1. I don't understand. 2. I understand. 3. Do you understand? 4. You don't understand. 5. Do you understand me?
25. ακούωhear, listen — This verb is used to describe the action of perce­iving sound through the ears. It can also be used to indicate actively paying attention to what is being said or heard.
1. Δεν σε ακούω. 2. Σε ακούω. 3. Λυπάμαι που το ακούω αυτό. 4. Χαίρομαι που το ακούω. 5. Δεν ακούω τίποτα. 6. Ακούω. 7. Δεν ακούω. 8. Εντάξει, ακούω. 9. Ναι, ακούω. 10. Σε ακούω.1. I can't hear you. 2. I hear you. 3. I'm sorry to hear that. 4. Glad to hear it. 5. I don't hear anything. 6. I'm listening. 7. I'm not listening. 8. Okay, I'm listening. 9. Yes, I'm listening. 10. Listen, you.
26. θυμάμαιremember — This verb is used to recall or bring to mind past events, experi­ences, or information. It is often used to express the act of remembering something that has happened in the past.
1. Δεν θυμάμαι. 2. Θυμάμαι. 3. Σε θυμάμαι. 4. Ναι, θυμάμαι. 5. Το θυμάμαι αυτό.1. I don't remember. 2. I remember. 3. I remember you. 4. Yeah, I remember. 5. I remember that.
27. παρακαλώask, please, beg — 'παρα­καλώ' is used to politely ask for somet­hing, to express a request, or to beg for something. It is a versatile verb that can be used in various contexts to convey a sense of politeness or urgency.
1. Παρακαλώ μην ρωτάτε. 2. Ω, παρακαλώ. 3. Ναι παρακαλώ. 4. ΟΧΙ Παρακαλώ. 5. Από εδώ παρακαλώ. 6. Παρακαλώ παρακαλώ. 7. Σε παρακαλώ, σε παρακαλώ. 8. Σε παρακαλώ, σε ικετεύω. 9. Θέλεις να παρακ­αλέσω, 10. Όχι, σε παρακαλώ. 11. Μην παρακαλάς.1. Please don't ask. 2. Oh, please. 3. Yes, please. 4. No, please. 5. This way, please. 6. Please, please. 7. Please, I'm begging you. 8. Please, I beg you. 9. You want me to beg? 10. No, I beg you. 11. Don't beg.
28. δοκιμάστεtry — This verb is used to indicate the action of attempting or testing something in order to see if it is successful or effective. It is commonly used in the context of trying out new things or experimenting with different methods.
1. Δοκιμάστε αυτό. 2. Πρέπει να το δοκιμάσεις. 3. Ας δοκιμ­άσουμε ξανά. 4. Ας το δοκιμ­άσουμε ξανά. 5. Έχω δοκιμάσει τα πάντα.1. Try this. 2. You should try it. 3. Let's try again. 4. Let's try it again. 5. I've tried everything.
29. ζωlive — The verb 'ζω' is used to express the action of living or being alive. It is commonly used to describe the state of existence or the act of surviving.
1. Ζω μόνος. 2. Όπως ζω και αναπνέω. 3. Ζω. 4. Οπου ζω. 5. Είναι αυτό για το οποίο ζω.1. I live alone. 2. As I live and breathe. 3. I live. 4. Where I live. 5. It's what I live for.
30. φέρωbring, fetch — The verb 'φέρω' is used to indicate the action of bringing or fetching something from one place to another. It is commonly used in everyday language to describe the act of carrying or transporting objects or people.
1. Θα τον φέρω πίσω. 2. Θα το φέρω πίσω. 3. Θα τον φέρω μέσα. 4. Θα το φέρω αμέσως πίσω. 5. Θα την φέρω πίσω. 6. Θα το φέρω.1. I'll bring him back. 2. I'll bring it back. 3. I'll bring him in. 4. I'll bring it right back. 5. I'm gonna bring her back. 6. I'll fetch it.
31. συναντώmeet — This verb is used to describe the action of meeting someone or something in a specific location or at a specific time. It can also be used to describe encountering or coming across someone or something unexpectedly.
1. Θα σε συναντησω εκει. 2. Εχουμε ξανασυν­αντηθεί? 3. Συναντ­ιόμαστε ξανά. 4. Έχουμε ξανασυναντηθεί. 5. Θα σε συναντ­ήσουμε εκεί.1. I'll meet you there. 2. Have we met before? 3. We meet again. 4. We've met before. 5. We'll meet you there.
32. ελπίζωhope — 'Ελπίζω' is used to express a feeling of optimism or desire for a positive outcome in the future. It conveys a sense of anticipation and belief that something good will happen.
1. Το ελπίζω. 2. Ελπίζω όχι. 3. Ελπίζω. 4. Ελπίζω να μην σε πειράζει. 5. Ελπίζω να έχεις δίκιο.1. I hope so. 2. I hope not. 3. I hope. 4. I hope you don't mind. 5. I hope you're right.
33. φάωeat — The verb 'φάω' is used to describe the action of consuming food or drink. It is commonly used to indicate the act of eating or drinking something.
1. Θα μπορούσα να φάω. 2. Δεν μπορώ να φάω. 3. Κάτι να φάω? 4. Θα μπορούσα να φάω ένα άλογο. 5. Θέλω να φάω?1. I could eat. 2. I can't eat. 3. Something to eat? 4. I could eat a horse. 5. Want to eat?
34. καθίζωsit — The verb 'καθίζω' is used to indicate the action of sitting down or taking a seat. It is commonly used to describe the act of resting one's body on a surface in a seated position.
1. Παρακαλώ καθίστε κάτω. 2. Δεν θα καθίσεις, 3. Ας καθίσουμε. 4. Μπορώ να καθίσω, 5. Ορίστε, καθίστε.1. Please sit down. 2. Won't you sit down? 3. Let's sit down. 4. May I sit down? 5. Here, sit down.
35. ξεχνώforget — This verb is used to describe the action of not being able to remember something or to fail to keep something in mind. It is often used to express the act of forgetting a person, event, or information.
1. Δεν ξεχνώ ποτέ ένα πρόσωπο. 2. Ξεχνώ συνέχεια. 3. Δεν ξεχνώ ποτέ τίποτα. 4. Συγχωρώ και ξεχνώ. 5. Τι ξεχνώ,1. I never forget a face. 2. I keep forgetting. 3. I never forget anything. 4. Forgive and forget. 5. What am I forgetting?
36. συμβαίνωhappen, befall — This verb is used to describe events or situations that occur or take place, often unexpectedly or by chance. It can also be used to convey the idea of something happening or befalling someone.
1. Τι συμβα­ίνει? 2. Συμβαίνει. 3. Τι συμβαίνει τώρα? 4. Τι μου συμβα­ίνει, 5. Αυτό δεν μπορεί να συμβαίνει.1. What's happening? 2. It happens. 3. What happens now? 4. What's happening to me? 5. This can't be happening.
37. κλείνωshut — This verb is used to describe the action of closing or shutting somet­hing, such as a door, window, or container. It indicates the act of making something inaccessible or sealed off.
1. Κλείσε την πόρτα. 2. Κλείσε το. 3. Κλείσε το! 4. Κλείσε τα μάτια σου. 5. Κλείσε την παγίδα σου!1. Shut the door. 2. Shut it down. 3. Shut it off! 4. Shut your eyes. 5. Shut your trap!
38. κοιμάμαιsleep — The verb 'κοιμ­άμαι' is used to describe the action of resting with eyes closed and the body inactive, typically during the night. It is commonly used to indicate the act of sleeping or taking a nap.
1. Δεν κοιμάμαι. 2. Κοιμάμαι. 3. Πού κοιμάμαι, 4. Δεν κοιμάμαι? 5. Κοιμάμαι εδώ.1. I'm not sleeping. 2. I'm sleeping. 3. Where do I sleep? 4. Not sleeping? 5. I sleep here.
39. διαβάζωread — This verb is used to describe the action of looking at and understanding written or printed words. It is commonly used to refer to the act of reading books, articles, or any other written material.
1. Τι διαβά­ζετε? 2. Διαβά­ζεις? 3. Το έχεις διαβάσει, 4. Δεν μπορείς να διαβά­σεις, 5. Μπορείς να διαβά­σεις?1. What are you reading? 2. Do you read? 3. Have you read it? 4. Can't you read? 5. Can you read?
40. μιλώspeak — The verb 'μιλώ' is used to indicate the action of speaking or talking. It is commonly used to express communication between individuals in various contexts, such as convers­ations, discus­sions, or presentations.
1. Ναι, μιλώντας. 2. Μιλώντας για. 3. Μιλώντας εκ των οποίων. 4. Μεταφ­ορικά μιλώντας. 5. Υποθετικά μιλώντας.1. Yes, speaking. 2. Speaking of. 3. Speaking of which. 4. Metaphorically speaking. 5. Hypothetically speaking.
41. απαντώanswer, respond — This verb is used to indicate the action of responding to a question, state­ment, or situation. It conveys the idea of providing a reply or reaction to something that has been said or done.
1. Μην απαντάς σε αυτό. 2. Μην το απαντήσεις. 3. Απλώς απαντήστε στην ερώτηση. 4. Μην απαντάς. 5. Δεν απαντάει. 6. Παρακαλώ απαντήστε. 7. Πώς απαντάτε, 8. Υπολογ­ιστής, απαντήστε. 9. Μην απαντάς. 10. Θα απαντ­ήσετε,1. Don't answer that. 2. Don't answer it. 3. Just answer the question. 4. Don't answer. 5. She's not answering. 6. Please respond. 7. How do you respond? 8. Computer, respond. 9. Don't respond. 10. Will you respond?
42. στέλνωsend — This verb is used to indicate the action of sending something or someone from one place to another. It can refer to sending physical objects, messages, or even people to a specific destination.
1. Στέλνει την αγάπη της. 2. Στέλνει τους χαιρετ­ισμούς του. 3. Στέλνω ένα μήνυμα. 4. Στέλνει την αγάπη του. 5. Στέλνει τους χαιρετ­ισμούς της.1. She sends her love. 2. He sends his regards. 3. Send a message. 4. He sends his love. 5. She sends her regards.
43. μισώhate — The verb 'μισώ' is used to express a strong feeling of dislike or aversion towards someone or something. It conveys a deep sense of animosity or hostility towards the object of hatred.
1. Σε μισώ. 2. Το μισώ. 3. Τον μισώ. 4. Μισώ αυτό. 5. Δεν σε μισώ.1. I hate you. 2. I hate it. 3. I hate him. 4. I hate this. 5. I don't hate you.
44. γίνομαιbecome — This verb is used to indicate a change in state or condi­tion, often implying a transformation or transition from one state to another. It can also be used to describe the process of coming into existence or being created.
1. Γίνομαι εγώ.1. It becomes me.
45. διαλέγωpick, choose — This verb is used to indicate the action of selecting or choosing something from a group of options. It implies a deliberate decisio­n-­making process in which one item is singled out or preferred over others.
1. Διαλέξτε ένα. 2. Εσύ διαλέγεις. 3. Διαλέγεις ένα. 4. Διαλέξτε κάποιον στο δικό σας μέγεθος. 5. Διαλέξτε κάποιον στο μέγεθος σας. 6. Εσύ διαλέγεις. 7. Πρέπει να διαλέξεις. 8. Διαλέγω εσένα. 9. Μπορείς να διαλέξεις. 10. Έπρεπε να διαλέξω.1. Pick one. 2. You pick. 3. You pick one. 4. Pick on somebody your own size. 5. Pick on someone your own size. 6. You choose. 7. You have to choose. 8. I choose you. 9. You can choose. 10. I had to choose.
46. χάνωlose — 'χάνω' is used to describe the act of losing somet­hing, whether it be physical objects, opportu­nities, or relationships. It conveys the sense of something being no longer in one's possession or control.
1. Χάνω το μυαλό μου. 2. Τα χάνω. 3. Σε χάνω. 4. Νομίζω ότι χάνω το μυαλό μου. 5. Νιώθω ότι χάνω το μυαλό μου.1. I'm losing my mind. 2. I'm losing it. 3. I'm losing you. 4. I think I'm losing my mind. 5. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
47. υπόσχομαιpromise — This verb is used to express a commitment or assurance to do something in the future. It signifies a pledge or guarantee to fulfill a specific action or obligation.
1. Υπόσχομαι. 2. Σου υπόσχομαι. 3. Σας το υπόσχομαι. 4. Ναι το υπόσχομαι. 5. Εντάξει, το υπόσχομαι.1. I promise. 2. I promise you. 3. I promise you that. 4. Yes, I promise. 5. Okay, I promise.
48. οδηγώdrive — This verb is used to describe the action of operating a vehicle or guiding someone or something in a particular direction. It can also be used metaphorically to describe leading or influencing others in a certain way.
1. Οδηγώ. 2. Δεν οδηγώ. 3. Δεν ξέρω να οδηγώ. 4. Απλώς οδηγώ. 5. Γιατί δεν σε οδηγώ,1. I'm driving. 2. I don't drive. 3. I don't know how to drive. 4. I just drive. 5. Why don't I drive you?
49. κρεμάωhang — The verb 'κρεμάω' is used to describe the action of suspending an object from a higher point, typically by attaching it to something above. It can also refer to the act of hanging something in a way that it is supported from above.
1. Κρεμάστε εκεί. 2. Κρεμιέται εκεί μέσα. 3. Απλά κρεμάστε σφιχτά. 4. Κρεμάστηκε. 5. Θα σε κρεμάσουν.1. You hang in there. 2. He's hanging in there. 3. Just hang tight. 4. He hung himself. 5. They'll hang you.
50. ακολουθώfollow, attend, pursue — This verb is used to indicate the action of following someone or somet­hing, attending an event or person, or pursuing a goal or objective. It conveys the idea of moving in the same direction or path as something or someone else.
1. Γιατί με ακολο­υθείς, 2. Δεν ακολουθώ. 3. Ακολο­υθήστε με παρακαλώ. 4. Ακολο­υθήστε το παράδ­ειγμά μου. 5. Με ακολο­υθεις? 6. Θα το παρακολουθήσω. 7. Παρακολ­ουθήσαμε ένα μπάρμπεκιου. 8. Παρακολ­ουθήσαμε έναν έρανο για φιλανθ­ρωπικό σκοπό. 9. Παρακολ­ουθήσαμε ένα πάρτι στην έπαυλη του κόμη. 10. Ο γιος τους παρακο­λουθεί σχολα­στικές εκδηλώσεις. 11. Σκέφτηκε να ακολο­υθήσει καριέρα γραμματέα.1. Why are you following me? 2. I don't follow. 3. Follow me, please. 4. Follow my lead. 5. Are you following me? 6. I'll attend to it. 7. We attended a barbecue. 8. We attended a fundraiser for charity. 9. We attended a party at the earl's mansion. 10. Their son attends scholastic events. 11. She considered pursuing a secretarial career.

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